Monday, October 22, 2007

Seven ingredients of individuals with character

Sorry I haven't posted anything in a while, life has been keeping me busy. I have been working on some truly great articles that will hopefully be complete in a month or two. It's 1:25 in the morning and I'm writing this on the fly. I could have made this article longer and better, but enjoy!

Seven ingredients of individuals with character:

1. Accountability
As an individual of character you will be accountable to someone. Preferably someone that is where you want, either spiritually, financially, etc. In all honesty, you will be accountable to many different individuals in different areas of life.

As a leader you have to accept the full responsibility of what happens. Regardless of what goes wrong, if you are the leader you have to accept responsibility and fix it.

3. Reliability
Can people rely on you? People of character can be relied on. Their are certain people in my life, if they say they are going to do something, I can take it to the bank that it's a done deal.

4. Self-Discipline
Men without character, they have been feminized by society. I could write a full blog on this subject, but instead I'll recommend any male readers to pick-up the two books "Maximizing Manhood" by Edward C. Lewis and "Wild at Heart" by John Eldredge.

I'll someday write a blog on the difference between a Male and Man, but you'll figure it out with those two books.

People of Integrity base their actions on a consistent framework of moral principle. The best framework ever written is the ten commandments:

1. You shall not worship any other god but YHWH.
2. You shall not make a graven image.
3. You shall not take the name of YHWH in vain.
4. You shall not break the Sabbath.
5. You shall not dishonor your parents.
6. You shall not murder.
7. You shall not commit adultery.
8. You shall not steal.
9. You shall not commit perjury.
10. You shall not covet.

You may be the most atheist person on the planet, but these are simple principles individuals of character follow. Let's say for example, you are going out of town and all your neighbors follow the ten commandments, would that be a bad thing? You know your wife and children will be safe. You know beyond a shadow of a doubt they won't be raped or killed.

In every situation in life, tell the truth. A half true isn't a whole full truth. Always do what is right in life, regardless if your overpaid thirty-seven cents at the grocery store or if you accidentally get a "free" item.

People are always watching! They watch everything from the big to little things. For example, Burger King allows you to take a survey for a free whooper. You complete the phone survey, and it gives you a free coupon code. I've taken it at least ten times and I know what the code looks like. Two letters followed by five numbers. It cost me $1.80 in Kentucky for a whopper, drink, and fries. A man of integrity will take the survey every time and not cheat the company. Obviously, this is something petty, but individuals will do what is right all the time. So obviously, I have to make some surveys up to Burger King.

6. Impurity
Most men fight impurity of heart. Be pure in your heart and in your thought. You must be constantly aware and against it. This is something everyone struggles with, but individuals of character will succeed.

7. Overcoming Adversity
The test of a man's character is what it takes to stop him from reaching the goal.

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